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Our property search system makes it easy to find a property which suits your requirements and is backed up by our friendly team of dedicated professionals ready to provide you with expert advice and support.

We can help you find:

  • Local council tax band costs

  • The catchment areas for local schools and their ofsted ratings

  • Local transport links

  • Local amenities including supermarkets, banks, gyms and more

  • Local community news

Whether you are a first time buyer or searching for your next move, we are here to help. Booking a viewing is simple and can be done anytime online or over the phone.

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Our independent experienced Mortgage Broker is completely whole of market and offers advice on a wide range of mortgages from first time buyers,  to portfolio landlords. With knowledge of lenders criteria and a wealth of experience, let us find you the best mortgage to suit you.


Whether buying or selling Banjo Properties can help you with your conveyancing needs. We work with a carefully selected solicitor who has been chosen for their expertise and customer service. They will be able to help manage the exchange and completion of contracts, conduct searches and guide you through the whole complex legal process.


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